I came across this link through the AAMFT (American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy) Facebook page from Amy Morin, LCSW at marriagecounselingblog.com, and it seemed worth sharing. While every relationship is different and unique, here are some common problem areas that have emerged in one long time counselor's office that seem pretty spot on.
I would probably add to this list the very broad category of health (both physical and mental to include addiction). Unlike the other very cut and dry areas such as finances and division of labor, health plays a more complicated role as we struggle to find balance in nurturing and being nurtured. When we're out of balance, we might see anxiety, depression and physical symptoms emerge. To shamelessly plug marriage counselors, many of these "10" problem areas are often more easily addressed when not in the throes of emotionally charged conflict–e.g. in the company of a counselor or therapist.