Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Surviving Thanksgiving

The smell of turkey roasting in the oven, holiday parades, kids laughing, and extended family getting together to rejoice in winter merriment.  If this is your reality of the winter holidays, congratulations you may have figured out a secret that remains elusive for many.  Holidays can be a stressful time, and family fights, resentment, and hurt feelings may be just as common as mashed potatoes and gravy.  Time with family often triggers old patterns, old behaviors, and old fights.  Many of us find ourselves frozen in time, acting like and being treated like the adolescent who left home years ago.  Is it possible to change this pattern, try something new, and experience holidays with a fresh perspective?  Awareness of our family patterns may be the first step to the possibility of a different holiday outcome, and a little strategizing may go a long way.

Here's a link to read what some of the experts say about planning for a happy and healthy holiday season:

Happy Thanksgiving!